@NCA_UKFIU: ⁉️Quick Quiz ⁉️ Did you have a go this morning? You had a 50/50 chance! 😉 Look out for indicators of certain types of crime such as money muling, the details of which can be found in SARs in Action Issue 22 #MoneyMules #MoneyLaundering #AML FIUs21 december 202423 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
@NCA_UKFIU: Don’t get tricked out by money muling❗️ Find out more in the UKFIU’s special money mules edition of SARs in Action ➡️ bit.ly/45OfM67 🔎 Indicators of money muling for SAR reporters 🎓 Money muling in higher education 💷 Money muling in the banking sectorFIUs10 oktober 202416 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
@AUSTRAC: 🚨 Stay vigilant to the signs of financial crime. Use our new sector-specific indicators to spot suspicious behaviour and activities: ow.ly/v8RS50TyuLnFIUs30 september 202416 december 2024door @AUSTRAC
@NCA_UKFIU: ❗SARs in Action Issue 26 is out now❗ This issue looks at: 🔹Generative AI 🔹New terrorist financing glossary codes 🔹Crypto asset risk indicators 🔹And much more!… #AML #SARs #SuspiciousActivityReportsFIUs23 juli 202416 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
@NCA_UKFIU: Could you spot Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) activity? 🤔 Do you know what are possible indicators and red flags for IWT? 🚩 Learn more about the issue 👉 @FINTRAC_Canada Barry MacKillop shares his thoughts on the issue below. #IllegalWildlifeTrade #IWTFIUs9 maart 202415 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
@NCA_UKFIU: How do you judge if activity is suspicious? If an LEA contacts you? Consider what indicators might be a sign of certain types of crime. For example, money muling, the details of which can be found in Issue 22 of SARs in Action:FIUs20 december 202315 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
@NCA_UKFIU: @CityPolice Money Mules (episode 15): In this podcast we discuss the types and key indicators of money mules and the strategies used to recruit them. 🎧 Listen to episode 15 here:FIUs17 november 202315 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
@FATFNews: Cyber-enabled fraud causes devastating losses for individuals, organisations & economies. This report analyses methods used for cyber-enabled fraud & laundering proceeds. It highlights successful responses, incl. risk indicators to help detect this crime.FATF9 november 202316 december 2024door @FATFNews
@NCA_UKFIU: Could you spot an account engaging in money muling? 🤔 ❓ Find out about additional Money Mules Account Indicators and other issues around money muling in the latest SARs in Action: 👉 #MoneyMulesFIUs31 oktober 202315 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
@NCA_UKFIU: 📣 OUT NOW 📣 🎧 Episode 15 of the UKFIU podcast is now available on major streaming sites: This episode addresses money muling, including key indicators of this crime type, and strategies used to recruit potential money mules. #MoneyMules #AMLFIUs5 oktober 202315 december 2024door @NCA_UKFIU
FinCEN Warns of Fraud Schemes That Abuse Its Name, Insignia, and Authorities for Financial GainTreasury Convenes Law Enforcement, Financial Institutions in the Washington, D.C. Area for Counter-Fentanyl ExchangeFinCEN Issues Spanish Translations of Alert and In-Depth Analysis on Nationwide Surge in Mail Theft-Related Check Fraud Schemes Targeting the U.S. MailFinCEN Joins Agencies in Issuing A Statement on Elder Financial ExploitationREADOUT: FinCEN and IRS-CI Convene Public-Private Sector Meeting in Philadelphia to Discuss Combating Illicit Finance Related to Fentanyl TraffickingFinCEN Joins Public-Private Partnership to Combat Fraud and Scams Impacting Innocent AmericansFinCEN Issues AlertFIUs20 december 2024door fincen.gov
FinCEN Warns of Fraud Schemes That Abuse Its Name, Insignia, and Authorities for Financial GainFIUs19 december 2024door fincen.gov
Witwassen kent geen grenzen… Onlangs was de 25ste plenaire vergadering van het Europol Financial Intelligence Public Private Par… AMLCentre13 december 202416 december 2024door AMLC
READOUT: FinCEN and IRS-CI Convene Public-Private Sector Meeting in Philadelphia to Discuss Combating Illicit Finance Related to Fentanyl TraffickingFIUs4 december 2024door fincen.gov
Gevangenisstraffen geëist voor witwassen woonboerderij, auto’s en flinke sommen geldOPENBAAR MINISTERIE25 november 2024door om.nl
Gevangenisstraffen geëist voor witwassen woonboerderij, auto’s en flinke sommen geldOPENBAAR MINISTERIE23 november 2024door om.nl
FinCEN Issues Alert on Fraud Schemes Involving Deepfake Media Targeting Financial InstitutionsREADOUT: FinCEN, Law Enforcement, and Financial Industry Representatives Meet to Discuss Collaborative Efforts to Combat Illicit Finance Related to Fentanyl TraffickingFinCEN Requests Comments on Proposed Form for Compliance with Residential Real Estate RuleSeptember 2024 Beneficial Ownership Reporting Outreach ActivitiesFinancial Action Task Force Identifies Jurisdictions with Anti-Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism, and Counter-Proliferation Finance DeficienciesFinCEN Provides Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Relief to Victims of Recent Natural DisastersREADOUT: FinCEFIUs20 november 2024door fincen.gov
OM vraagt maritieme sector om alertheid bij mensensmokkelOPENBAAR MINISTERIE19 november 2024door om.nl
FinCEN Issues Alert on Fraud Schemes Involving Deepfake Media Targeting Financial InstitutionsFIUs13 november 2024door fincen.gov
READOUT: FinCEN, Law Enforcement, and Financial Industry Representatives Meet to Discuss Collaborative Efforts to Combat Illicit Finance Related to Fentanyl TraffickingFIUs13 november 2024door fincen.gov
READOUT: FinCEN and Partner FIU Officials Meet in Canada for International Public-Private Partnership Events on Illicit FinanceFIUs8 november 2024door fincen.gov
🔍**Nieuwe WWFT-Leidraden voor Professionals in de Bestrijding van Witwassen** Het Bureau Financieel Toezicht (BFT) heeft recent n… AMLCentre7 november 2024door AMLC
BFT publiceert nieuwe Specifieke leidraden Wwft · Accountancy VanmorgenWwft30 oktober 2024door Accountancy Vanmorgen
READOUT: FinCEN and Partner FIU Officials Meet in Canada for International Public-Private Partnership Events on Illicit FinanceFIUs26 oktober 202429 oktober 2024door fincen.gov
FinCEN Issues Spanish Translation of Notice on Timeshare Fraud Associated with Mexico-Based Transnational Criminal OrganizationsFIUs18 oktober 2024door fincen.gov
READOUT: FinCEN Gathers Public and Private Sector Officials in Charlotte, North Carolina to Discuss Efforts to Combat the Fentanyl EpidemicFIUs17 oktober 2024door fincen.gov
EMPACT Hackathon: 16 suspected human traffickers and 60 potential victims identified EUROPOL7 oktober 202410 oktober 2024door Europol
Ground breaking public private partnership launched to identify criminality using banking data NCA_UK27 juli 2024door nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk
Groothandel in parfums en cosmetica schikt met OM voor 199.000 euro vanwege witwassenOPENBAAR MINISTERIE24 juli 2024door om.nl
Waarom we in Nederland ongebruikelijke transacties melden en waarom wij als FIU-Nederland dat een goed systeem vinden. – FIU-Nederland FIUs6 juli 2024door FIU-Nederland
National Crime Agency leads international operation to degrade illegal versions of Cobalt Strike NCA_UK4 juli 20248 juli 2024door nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk
ECLI:NL:PHR:2024:686 Parket bij de Hoge Raad, 27-02-2024, 22/00406Witwassen25 juni 202424 oktober 2024door deeplink.rechtspraak.nl
Finfluencer krijgt fikse boete van AFMFraude, TOEZICHT, Wwft13 juni 202424 oktober 2024door 112wwft.nl
De Kansspelautoriteit geeft Gammix Limited een boete van €19.679.000TOEZICHT3 april 202424 oktober 2024door @Ksa_Nederland met annotaties van 112wwft.nl
ECLI:NL:PHR:2024:212 Parket bij de Hoge Raad, 27-02-2024, 22/00485Witwassen29 februari 202423 oktober 2024door deeplink.rechtspraak.nl
ECLI:NL:PHR:2024:215 Parket bij de Hoge Raad, 27-02-2024, 22/00484Witwassen28 februari 202423 oktober 2024door deeplink.rechtspraak.nl
ECLI:NL:PHR:2024:217 Parket bij de Hoge Raad, 27-02-2024, 22/00470Witwassen28 februari 202423 oktober 2024door deeplink.rechtspraak.nl
Goederenstromen en criminaliteit: carrouselfraude en trade based money launderingAMLCentre14 december 2023door Belastingdienst
FIU gaat omschrijving bij melding ongebruikelijke transactie verplichtstellen · Accountancy VanmorgenWitwassen25 oktober 2023door Accountancy Vanmorgen
Preparatory action, Capacity building, programmatic development and communication in the context of the fight against money laundering and financial crimesWitwassen25 oktober 2023door Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union,